Webhosting.dk, altid billige domæner og webhoteller
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Cancel or change subscription

If you no longer want your domain name or hosting package with us, you have to cancel your subscription. You can select several options, you can downgrade from a full hosting package to just mail hosting, or if you want to cancel everything, you can select that as well. Cancellation of .DK domain names we do not have the authority to do, you have do cancel your .DK domain name with DK-hostmaster directly.

If you want to remove add-on products on your mail or web hosting package, you'll need to send us an e-mail. If you've cancelled just after you've been invoiced for a new year and the invoice is not paid for, we can take down your domain and/or hosting package and issue a creditnote. You need to contact us in the link

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☰ Help menu

Please click help menu for a description of options.

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