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Transfer domain to another account

You can transfer a domain name from one account to another account. This is handy if you've sold your domain name or hosting package and want the domain removed from your account.

Account ID
The account you want to transfer to, must give your their unique acccount ID. This is not their account name. The account iD is found in the control panel in the bottom and is between 28 and 30 characters long. You can use the account name if you know the account name of the account you want to transfer to. Account ID is an alternative option if the account you're transferring to does'nt want to give your their account name.

Each domain name has 2 accounts. An account that is the owner account and also an invoice account. They're usually the same unless a reseller receives invoices and therefore needs to be invoice account on the domain.

There are several options:

Move everything
Move owner account, invoice account remains as is
Move invoice account, owner account remains as is

☰ Help menu

Transfer domain from one account to another. Please click help menu for a description of options.

Domain name:www.
Account name:
Account password:
New account name or account ID:
Please select: